Center For Astroparticle Physics

Activities 2014

1st september, 14h30 LNGS-Pontecorvo room 
Speaker: E. Aprile
Title: The XENON Dark Matter Program at LNGS: where we are, where we are going"

5th september, LNGS-Majorana room 
Workshop: A special Borexino event
5th september, 18h00 GSSI
Speaker: A. Ianni  
Title: Viaggio nel cuore del sole

9th spetember, 14h30 LNGS-Pontecorvo room  
Speaker: P. Sykes 
Title: Unravelling mechanisms of the radio-adaptive response 

10th september, 14h30 LNGS-Pontecorvo room  
Speaker: G. Gyurky 
Title: Experiments relevant to the astrophysical p-process nucleosynthesis

23rd september, 14h30 LNGS-Pontecorvo room  
Speaker: N.Kovalenko
Title: TBA

25th september, 14h30 LNGS-Majorana room 
Speaker: M. Davidkova 
Title: Biological effects of extremely low radiation background conditions

22nd september - 3rd october 
Gran Sasso Summer Institute

21th-23th october 2014  
LNGS, aula Pontecorvo 
Lectures on Dark Matter

28th-29th october 2014
LNGS, Sala Fermi
Le frontiere e i confini della scienza


Società della Conoscenza in Abruzzo

Lectures on Dark Matter

Lectures on Dark Matter

Gran Sasso Summer Institute

Gran Sasso Summer Institute 2014